September 17, 2018

Mezzalira: Game Blog

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to play in front of my friends and family. It was great playing in Hamilton because my family in Burlington and Stoney Creek all got to come out, and all my buddies did too.

I think my mom got like 60 tickets, and my buddies had another 40 so it was a big crowd. There was a lot of Stamps fans out there, I made them all convert, so they were all wearing the red.

Plus, I grew up watching the Ti-Cats here too, so it’s fun to be actually on the field.

But it wasn’t my first time down there, when I was at McMaster University we played one game versus Toronto, we beat them so it was a good win. But it wasn’t even close to being the same experience as this game, this was the full works.

It was a really interesting game to say the least. And being a defensive guy, it was hard to watch because they were scoring points that the defence had nothing to do with. It was hard to deal with that but we just rallied, kept playing our kind of football, and came out on top.

This win helps out heading into the bye week, especially after that tough loss in Edmonton because we rallied pretty hard and we put up a good fight but just came up a little short. Coming out there and they came out on top too and we just grinded, came back and played Stampeder football.

And Stampeder football is different. Here it’s all about performance, making sure you’re doing your job, and everybody’s accountable, everybody is also there to support you.

Growing up it wasn’t that inclusive but after my first day with the Stamps I felt like everybody welcomed me. It’s a family mentality, everybody is trying to help each other out to do great things

It’s also awesome to play alongside two of the best players in Alex Singleton and Jameer Thurman, it’s great spot for me to be in, I get to learn form the best middle linebacker in the league right now, it’s a good opportunity.