September 7, 2013

Law: Tight-knit group

The game went well last night. We controlled things throughout and the defence played well, doing what we had to do to get the win.

Last night, we as a defence had our work cut out for us. Our offence needed us to keep the Eskimos off the field. If we had let them score like they did last week, we would have been in trouble.

The offence was struggling a bit, so last night’s win was a team effort.

The defence stepped up and our special teams played real big — that’s what got us the win.

We went in with the same game plan as last week as a defensive line. We didn’t really change anything. We stuck with what we planned for and had the same success as last week.

This is a pretty tight group on defence. The whole defensive team recently went out and ate wings at Buffalo Wild Wings together, so that shows you a lot.

I’ve been on teams where defensive players don’t hang out together — nobody hung out together. After practice, guys would just go their own way.

I think this team is coming together as a unit and we’re putting together a real special defence.

Next game, I expect it to be the same game plan. The defence is going to have to come out and play real hard as we go up against a really tough team in Hamilton.

They are a team on fire right now, so it’s going to be another tough challenge next week.

Cordarro Law, #49
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