June 1, 2012

MacDougall: Healthy and eager

So far, camp has been very exciting. It’s been lots of fun, there has been lots of learning and I’m really enjoying myself so far.

I really haven’t had a lot of free time but I’m really just trying to soak up as much of this experience and learn as much as I can.

As the offences get more complicated, the playbook appears to be getting more in-depth and I’m working very hard to adapt.  All the coaches having been doing a real good job at making sure we understand our assignments.

Life in the dorms has been good. The day starts early and I usually don’t get back to the dorm till 10 or 11 p.m.  I’ve got two roommates, Jadon Wagner and Jordan Spence. Both them are great guys and very easy to get along with.

I didn’t know either of them before camp but they’re both defensive linemen and with me being a defensive player, the three of us have a lot in common and it’s easy to make conversation.

Camp life outside of the stadium is very busy. I’m consistently going over the playbook, watching film or going to meetings. Finally, when I find some free time, I do my best to rest up and make sure I’m ready to go for the next day.

Health-wise, I’m feeling really good. All the rehab and training seems to be paying off.  Last year’s injury that kept me out the whole season is a constant question that I’ve been getting but I’m using it as motivation. It’s lots of fun being out on the field feeling healthy and feeling confident in my abilities.

Last year was real tough but staying with the rehab looks to be paying off.  Going to practice and hanging out with the team last year was really tough, especially since I couldn’t make a difference on the field. This year I really hope I can contribute to the Calgary Stampeders.

Luckily, I have lots of family in Southern Alberta and hopefully they can see me play for the Stamps real soon. Being from Saskatchewan though, I’m not worried about how the Riders fans feel about a U of S guy wearing the Red and White. Riders fans will be Riders fans.

I was super happy when I got drafted by the Stamps and can’t wait to get on the field at McMahon Stadium and get these great fans excited. 

Keenan MacDougall, #24
>> MacDougall bio