November 5, 2011

Rambo: Good to be back out there

It was great just coming back out there and playing ball with the guys and having fun. That’s what I missed, having fun out there on the field.

That’s what I enjoy about football. Having fun with the guys and getting wins. That’s what it’s all about.
On the 54-yard catch, they gave us the coverage that we wanted. It turned out right. I did what I was supposed to do, just did a little wheel route and Drew put it right there on me and I had to make the play and I did.

I tried to take that tackler as far down the field as I could. I wasn’t going to stop. I was telling him, “Come on B Stew, hop on my back and let’s go, I’m not stopping.”

The touchdown was good, they gave us man coverage, press down low. I ran my route and Drew gave me a perfect ball and I couldn’t do anything but catch it and roll it to the end-zone.

After the touchdown, Drew got into a bit with one of the DBs. He’s got some spunk and that’s what you’ve got to have as a quarterback. You’ve got to have a little attitude and spunk on you and know what you can do and have confidence in yourself and Drew has that.

With this three-game winning streak we’re on, everybody put their focus down and knuckled down and focused on their job at hand. I think that’s what happened. We had some team talks with the players and I think everybody got focused in and locked in and listened to the veterans and what they said. We just went out there and we just told them to go out there, play to the best of your ability, do what you’re here to do, do your job and we should come out with the “W.”

I don’t care what happens in the BC game tonight. It doesn’t matter. I can’t do anything about that. That’s in God’s hands. He’s the only one who knows the determination of the game. I’m just worried about going out there and preparing for whoever it’s going to be next week and getting the “W.”

Ken-Yon Rambo, #85
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