October 12, 2011

Chevrier: Proud about PinkPower

Friday, Oct. 21 is the date for our fourth annual PinkPower game to raise money and awareness of the Canadian Cancer Society and the battle against women’s cancers.

You can learn more about how you can help by visiting the PinkPower site at Chevymerch_111012.jpg

There’s my Twitter challenge, which I’ll talk about a little bit more later, you can buy a ticket on-line, with $5 from every purchase going to the Canadian Cancer Society, you can buy merchandise at the game . . . there’s many ways you can get on board. This a great way to raise awareness for a cause and cancer affects so many people in so many ways that the more money we raise and the more awareness we raise then the closer we can be to a cure for women’s cancers. And hopefully that will be the key to cure all cancers.

The merchandise is really awesome. I’ve been wearing the cap around town and people have been coming up to me and asking where I can get it and I’ve been telling them, so there’s a little bit of buzz. It’s really nice stuff.

In addition to that, I’ve been running a challenge on Twitter. It’s simple — if you’re on Twitter, you just change your handle by adding the word “pink” in any form, you send me a message and then I’ll follow you and give you a direct reply with instructions on how you can make a pledge to the Canadian Cancer Society and honour it.

Everyone who does that will be entered into a contest to win authentic game-worn PinkPower gear. I’ll do that random draw the day before the PinkPower game on Oct. 21.ChevyHitman_111012.jpg

One of the really cool thing about our PinkPower program this year is the involvement of Bret (The Hitman) Hart. It was a natural. He had already helped the Stampeders out earlier this season with the Game Face campaign and he was a hero of mine growing up. He was the guy who made pink cool and I thought this was a big enough cause that we could get a big name like Bret to get on board and help us out to help promote the awareness.

It was awesome to have him on board and it was such an honour for me to work with Bret. He was so generous with his time to aid the cause and you could see the impact it had almost immediately when we started posting some pictures and video on Twitter. There was a lot of great feedback on that. I’m really grateful to Bret for helping out.

In talking to him, I realized he’s a huge booster of the Calgary Stampeders and all things Calgary, which is awesome.ChevrierI_110214.jpg

The day he came to McMahon to film a promo for PinkPower was so much fun. It was unbelievable. I was star-struck and all the guys who met him in the locker-room were star-struck. We had a good time doing the promo shoot and then when he offered to put me in the Sharpshooter — his signature wrestling hold — was like a dream come true, as odd it may sound. I tell you what, growing up as a kid, he was one of my idols and to have the honour to meet him was a pretty fantastic experience.

This is a cause that is very important to a lot of people, including myself. When I first started playing football, I guess it was going into my second year, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and I found out right before I had to leave for training camp in 2002. I had lived at home all my life until 2001 and it was really tough for me to leave in that situation and not be there to support my mom when she lost her hair and underwent surgery and the chemo.

I’m so grateful that she’s a cancer survivor and because of that whole experience, I always thought that if I had a chance in some way to give back to this cause, I would take it.

My former teammate Wes Lysack did a fantastic job in previous years as our ambassador for PinkPower and when he went to Toronto, I immediately picked up the phone and asked if I could be the rep. It really was that important to me, as I know that the cause is important to many people.

Thanks to our fans’ generosity, I know PinkPower will be a big success again this season and on behalf of the Stampeders and the Canadian Cancer Society, I thank you for your support.

Randy Chevrier, #56
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