September 30, 2011

Tate: Sharing the warmth

Even if I’m from Texas, I know the importance of having a jacket. It wasn’t cold for very long — maybe just for a few weeks — and it wasn’t too bad, but it was still cold enough that you needed to put a jacket on.Tate_110811.jpg

Then I went to Iowa to play college football and I had to get a bunch of coats. It was cold there. It was a big-time adjustment for me because it snows there all the time and there was a fall season. In Texas, it wasn’t like that. There, it’s just hot and then it cools off for a short while and then it’s spring.

Going to Iowa gave me a chance to get playing time early and to play in the Big 10 conference and at a good university, too. It worked out great, so I didn’t mind at all the adjustment to the weather.

That brings me to the Salvation Army Coat Drive. It’s a really cool idea and I was really honoured when they asked me to be the team’s representative for this program.

We went to the Salvation Army last week and checked it out. It was really cool and the services they offer people are really neat. I had never heard of anything like that. It’s a great organization and, like I said, it’s an honour just to be a part of it.

Every little bit helps and I know the fans will do a great job to support the Coat Drive.

Drew Tate, #4
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