September 14, 2011

Harrison: Winning is all that matters

In my first game of the season on Friday, my conditioning held up OK. I think I’ve got to get much better, but obviously it was good enough to get a win and in the end, winning is all that matters.

It feels great that we were able to run the ball for 182 yards during Friday’s game. I have to tip my hat to those other guys who have been on that offensive line and who have been working all year long and they deserve a lot of the credit.Harrison_110914.jpg

And it’s a huge confidence knowing that the guys behind us who are running the ball, they just work so hard. I mean, Joffrey has done so much in this league and he’s just an all-time all-star. It’s just amazing how he comes every day to work and how every day in practice, he’s working hard.

That’s a great feeling as an offensive lineman knowing that if you do what you’re supposed to do, Joffrey and Cornish will come through every time.

As an offensive line, when people are saying that the quarterback isn’t staying upright enough or the running backs aren’t having as much success as they had in the past, of course you take it personally. All you can do is work to get better and I think we are getting better. We took a step in the right direction last week and we’ll be just fine.

Now that I’m back in action, I want to improve my conditioning, as I mentioned before, and just keep working at being more cohesive with the other guys and getting back into the swing of things.

When you play offensive line, it’s really not like playing receiver or playing running back where somebody just gives you the ball and you go do your thing. Those five men up front have to work together because if one person is doing his own thing, it’s never going to work. So cohesiveness and working together and working hard are the biggest things.

I always knew that this unit and this team has a lot of character. The close games that we’ve won throughout the season show me a lot about this group of guys. In football and in life, it’s not about how you start, it’s how you finish.

This week against BC, we know we’re going up against a very talented group. Their record (4-6) truly does not show the talent and the type of men they have. It’s going to be a huge challenge for us on both sides of the ball. They have a strong inside presence with Khalif Mitchell and Aaron Hunt and we’re going to have to bring our “A” game to get our running game going once again.

It’s another challenge, and we’ll be ready.

Edwin Harrison, #53
>> Harrison bio