August 4, 2011

Tisdale: I’ve got a job to do

People want to make a deal about the fact that we’re facing my former team, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, on Saturday but I’m just going to go out there and do my job. That’s it. Just go out there and do what the coach asks me to do.

Even if this game would be in Hamilton, where I played for the first three seasons of my career, it wouldn’t make any difference to me. I’ve still got a job I’ve got to do. I’m not looking at it like I’m trying to get revenge or anything like that. I’m looking at it like another day and another game and another job I’ve got to take care of.Tisdale_110804.jpg

I’ve got a lot of buddies over there still and I’m sure I’ll get a chance to talk to them, but once you get between the lines, it’s game time.

I don’t think I have any special information to pass along to my teammates about Kevin Glenn. I’m pretty sure our coaches here in Calgary have a good feel for him and they’ll pass along everything they know to us. All I can do is study up and be ready.

As a team, we know we still have some work to do, on offence and on defence. You know that’s part of the game. We have to grow as a family so we have to go through the bumps. But I think we’re on the right track. Everybody’s heads are still in it and we know what we’ve got to do. Every day we come out here, we’re just trying to get it done.

I like where we’re at, we’ve just got to keep working hard every day.

We’ve been playing so many close games that have come right down to the wire and as easy as it is for me to say it’s been fun, when you’re out there and tired, it’s not so much fun. But that’s what we do. That’s what we play defence for. No matter if we’ve got a 20-point lead or a one-point lead oe a two-point lead, we’ve got to go out there and stop them.

The best players want to be out there when the game is on the line, so I’m all right with it.

Geoff Tisdale, #29
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