July 23, 2011

Claybrooks: We’re sticking together

Those two plays in the first half came back to bite us. Defensively, you don’t give up explosion plays and we did and you can talk all you want about offence but if you stop teams at home, you win games.

We put the onus on us, it’s a team sport but we definitely take the blame for those two big plays at the beginning and that’s what kind of happened. We’ve just got to go back to the drawing board. This is a pivotal point in the season for our team, we can go one way or we can go the other. We’ve got to stick together and we’ve got to ride it out. Claybrooks_110723.jpg

So frustration, yeah, we’re frustrated because we gave up two explosion plays, we always look at what we can do better to make the team better. Not what they did or what the offence did. So that’s why we’re going to be a good team, there’s a lot of football left and there’s no need to hit the panic button because there’s a lot of football left and we’ve just got to stay together.

There’s no finger-pointing and no yelling in the locker-room. Everybody is dabbing each other up. We’ve got a big game next week. I mean they’re pivotal games. So you can either fold up, pack up or you can put your stakes in the ground and pull your tent up and that’s what we’re going to do.

We’ve got a bunch of veterans that make plays on offence, we’ve got a lot of veterans that make plays on defence — we’ve got to regroup, we’ve got a big game ahead in Regina so we’ve got to take care of business.

I think that it’s going to be a great factor deciding down the road because you want to close games that build your character. All you ask is for the ball, and a chance to win and we’ve had that in every game. Yeah we’ve come up short but it also builds character to know that we can take advantage of those situations. And I have the upmost faith in our offence. We had to come out and make the stops defensively in one of those games, they had to come out and score points in the BC game, so it’s give and take and we’re a team and we’ve got tostick together.

DeVone Claybrooks, #95
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