June 24, 2011

Fabian: A dream come true

My first thought when I stepped onto the field was a big, long, “Wow, this is actually happening.”

I couldn’t believe it at first. Running onto the field, I had a big grin on my face. It was just awesome.Fabian_110624.jpg

That first kick, the convert, it couldn’t start out any easier. On the outside, I may have appeared calm but my heart was going a mile a minute. So I was lucky that it was a nice easy kick, kind of a routine thing — a nice way to get into the flow of things, get the jitters out. I don’t even remember what was going through my mind at the time, to tell you the truth.

With that 45-yarder, I had to hit that like a knuckleball. It wasn’t pretty, but it made it. I gave the guys a shrug because things just seemed to be going my way.

Back home in Tilley, Alberta, I couldn’t tell you how many people were watching. I’m guessing the whole town. I got so much support. A lot of congratulations and people telling me they were so proud. All the good stuff you would want to hear from the people who support you.

It was a whirlwind because when I got the call I was sitting at home — well, not sititng at home, I was pegging down the wheel lines. I got back in the house and see I got a missed call from Stamps director of player personnel, John Murphy. I called him back and sure enough, he asks me to head on up. I dropped everything right there. Well, first I called my dad to ask if it was OK to ditch the farm for a little bit. He said sure so I packed up, headed out of town right then and there.

This whole experience, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Any day, any time, I’d do it again. Just to be in that situation — on the field, fans screaming and hollering. All the boys all fired up . . . it was great.

Andrew Fabian, #42