June 13, 2011

McCartney: Camp’s going better this year

It’s great to be back for my second season with the Stampeders.

During the off-season, I went home to the Bahamas and I worked with the family. It was my first time home in six months, so that was good, especially since I’ve never spent that much time with the family in 10 years since I went to high school and university up here in Canada.McCartney_110613.jpg

It was great to get that family time and to work in the family business — we sell auto supplies like oil, batteries, tires and that kind of thing.

A lot of people in the Bahamas knew I was playing for the Stampeders last season because they had a little article in the local newspaper when I was away. It’s a small island — only 300,000 people — so everyone kind of knew what I was doing. A lot of people were congratulating me and that kind of thing.

I’m looking forward to the season. I know the defence so much better this year and I definitely feel more comfortable. I know how camp works, I know the plays and I can actually run instead of thinking so much about what I’m doing. This year is definitely going a lot better than last year. I can definitely play a lot faster because I know the techniques and I know the plays.

I also know so much more about how to take care of my body this time — hot tubs, cold tubs, making sure I get my rest. I’m still sore but I’m in better shape this year than last year.

It was interesting to start camp with five guys who went to Saint Mary’s. I don’t think there’s any team in the CFL that has five guys from the same school. It was a good thing to se all those guys here. I guess Saint Mary’s is the farm team for Calgary right now!

As for my goals on the field, I’m going to continue to do what I did on special teams last year and I’m doing whatever I can do to get my way into the starting lineup on the defence whichever way I can.

If the coach wants to roll me at quick end, rush end, Mike linebacker, Will linebacker . . . I’m down for whatever position he wants to get me in there. I just want to help any way I can.

Karl McCartney, #45
>> McCartney bio