May 19, 2011

Reynolds: On the road again

The Southern Alberta Tour has been really good so far. Charleston Hughes, Juwan Simpson, Rob Cote and myself have had the opportunity to see a lot of different places and meet a lot of different people the past couple of days and it’s been very interesting and very enjoyable.

Some of the people in Medicine Hat last night were telling us that the Riders have been through town before so I think it was time for us to show our faces there and reclaim the area as Reynolds_101017.jpgStampeders territory. It seems we’ve been pretty well received by everyone and it’s been great to get out there and meet with our fans.

I’ve enjoyed all the stops but the highlight for me was the Canadian Forces Base at Suffield. It was great to see all the people on the base and see all the equipment. They even let us go out on the truck with the water hose they use for firefighting and we got to try and shoot a football off a traffic cone.

I’ll tell you what, Rob Cote was the all-star when it comes to that drill, Whenever he’s done with his football career, I think he’s got a future as a fireman.

We’re in Lethbridge right now and then we’re headed to Okotoks tonight. I just want to thank everyone for making us feel at home and I want to say it was great to meet everyone along the way.

We’ve been logging lots of miles these past few days, but it’s definitely been worth it.

As you know, the season is coming fast and we’re looking forward to getting started.

Go Stamps!

Joffrey Reynolds, #21
>> Reynolds bio