April 28, 2011

Cote: Looking forward to the Hike

Hey everyone. I just wanted to remind all of you that we’re having the annual Hike for Hospice this Sunday at Fish Creek Park.

As usual, the weather during the week leading up to the hike isn’t so great but the way it usually works out is that it’s a nice day by the time the day of the event rolls around. I’m confident that will be the case again this year.cote.jpg

This is my fourth year of being involved with the hike and with Hospice Calgary and I’m very proud to be associated with this organization. I’m really looking forward to hanging out with Jennifer and Rylan Monaghan, Hospice Calgary’s Family of the Year. Rylan and I have become real good buddies and it’ll be great to see him again.

A lot of my family members are in town this year so our group will be bigger than ever at the hike. A couple of teammates are coming also as Jon Cornish and Tim O’Neill will be there. I think this is the third year Timmy will be taking part in the hike and he’s become a great supporter of this cause, so I want to acknowledge him and thank him.

The Stampeder Outriders and Ralph the Dog will be there also, so the whole organization is a believer in the event.

When I first got involved with Hospice Calgary, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but from the moment I walked in there for the first time, I knew it was just a terrific place with a bunch of great people doing awesome work for people that need it. Every time you go in there, you feel good about what you’re doing and I’m proud to be involved.

What always impresses me is that these people have been through so much in their lives and and yet they’re putting a smile on my face rather than vice versa. It’s amazing. This cause has always been important to me but the more I get involved, the more meaningful it is.

I’m really looking forward to Sunday and I hope to see you there.

Rob Cote, #26
>> Cote bio
>> More details on Hike for Hospice
>> Learn more about Hospice Calgary