November 18, 2010

Calixte: Snow’s no big deal

It might be snowing and cold outside when we’re practising, but we’re still enjoying ourselves and getting our preparation work done.

When you’re in Canada and you’re playing games at the end of the season, you might have to play in snow. That’s completely normal and when you think about, it’s a great sign that we’re still playing at this time of the season. I love it and I’m hoping that we can keep playing for a while Calixte_101118.jpglonger.

That’s what we want to do — we want to keep on playing football.

I remember one bad-weather game, I think it was against Winnipeg in 2005. It was raining, it was cold, it was windy . . . that’s probably one of the worst games I’ve ever played in. Compared to that, the snow doesn’t bother me. But when it’s wet and rainy, the cold gets into your bones.

But, as they say, no matter what the weather is, it’s the same for both teams. So we’ll be ready.

I expect a good game on Sunday. It’s going to be hard-fought and it’s going to be an emotional game because the winner moves on and the loser goes home.

People want to talk about our previous games against them but you know what? The past is the past and it’s going to stay that way. We’re only focused on the game this week and there’s no need to come up with scenarios from past experience or try to find a pattern to predict what’s going to happen.

All that matters is that we have a game to play and that the team that plays the best and executes the best will win. That’s what we’re focusing on.

Marc Calixte, #37
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