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The Calgary Stampeders and the Salvation Army are holding their annual Coat Drive at this week’s game, so please bring new or gently used coats so that they can be passed along to those who need them.
As a guy born in Jamaica who’s making a living in Canada, I understand the importance of having a coat and warm clothes.
Especially in the cold weather. I remember when I came from Jamaica, I went to New York and that’s one of the colder parts of the States. I understand what it was not to have a coat. When I first got a coat, it was one of those Dallas Cowboys Starter bubble jackets. I got it for Christmas that first year I came up and I loved it.
I understand how a good coat can keep you healthy when the weather’s cold, to avoid things like colds and pneumonia. You really want to keep bundled up.
With my own family and with my kids, I understand how important to keep them warm. It’s so important for everyone to stay warm in the winter and that’s what we’re doing with the Salvation Army Coat Drive. We’re trying to collect all the coats we can. There’s a lot of poverty here in Calgary, even if you can’t always see it. That’s where the Stampeders and their fans come in, to step in and try and help out. It’s a great thing and the fans have always supported this amazingly in the past and I know they will again.
Jeremaine Copeland was the spokesperson for this program in the past and when he got traded, I was happy to step in. Any time I can step in and help out in the community and help out a good cause, it’s a good thing. Cope did a great job of being out there and speaking for the program and making sure about the importance of everyone having a winter coat.
We’ve been starting to get some of that cold weather this week, so this is the time you want to make sure you’re really strapped up.
Dwight Anderson, #33
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