October 20, 2010

Simpson: Feeling like a million bucks

The knee was bothering me last week but this week, I’m feeling great. I’m feeling like a million bucks. I’m glad to be out for practice and to be back out there with my team this week, so it’s a good day.

Missing a game is one of the toughest things to deal with, especially since I consider myself to be a leader on and off the field. So not being able to be there with those guys, it was tough Simpson_100901.jpgtimes. It was tough to watch, a hard pill to swallow.

But you have to realize it’s for the best and I had confidence in my team that the guys who came in — Robert McCune who moved over from the defensive line to play linebacker and the guys who filled in for him on the D-line — would come in and do a great job. It’s a good feeling to know that those guys can go out and things still go real smooth.

It makes that bitter pill go down a lot better when the guys go out and do what they did on Sunday in Saskatchewan. Even right up until the game, I was sick about missing the game. I’ve been with these guys through thick and thin, so I really wanted to be there, but seeing the way they came back from down 14, it made me feel that much better — as a teammate to those guys and a member of this team in general.

And how about that touchdown by one of the defensive guys, Corey Mace. And the celebration? It was appropriate. The guy being over 300 pounds and running 70 yards, he’s tired so it’s a little quick celebration and then you get back to business. I’m happy for Mace. He’s a hard worker and I’m glad that happened for him.

Juwan Simpson, #12
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