August 10, 2009

Insider: A very special visit


The Stampeders had a group of very special visitors at McMahon Stadium for a practice earlier this month.

In co-ordination with Make-A-Wish Canada, three-and-a-half-year-old Shaine Lynn and his family — parents Stephanie and Paul and brothers Gabriel (five years old) and Darius (20 months) — dropped by to watch the practice and meet the players afterwards.090810shaine1.jpg

“It was such an amazing day,” said Stephanie. “Shaine was running all over the place, laughing and playing with the guys.”

When he was barely a year old, Shaine was fighting for his life in 2007 as he underwent surgeries and chemo treatment for a tumour that covered 20 per cent of his brain. But showing the determination and indestructibility that befits his nickname — Tank — the little guy battled back hard . . . and successfully. Recent tests have all come back clear. Shaine recently passed a significant milestone as he now has to go back for tests every six months instead of every three.

“Even when he was going through it, he was so good about it,” said Stephanie. “You would never know there was anything to wrong. It was amazing to see him and he was such an inspiration.”

Even though the weather was grey and rainy during the family’s visit to the stadium, Shaine’s energy, enthusiasm and smile brightened everyone’s day.

You can learn more about Shaine’s amazing story my visiting his very own website:

>> Visit Shaine’s site
>> Learn more about Make-A-Wish Canada
