June 26, 2009

INSIDER: A tip of the hat to Retro

Anyone in attendance at the Stampeders’ practice on Friday morning simultaneously got a glimpse of the past and the future.090626-Howell-helemt.jpg

As far as the past goes, many of the players (including Markus Howell, pictured) were wearing retro-style helmets reminiscent of the hats worn by Stampeders team in the early 1960s (as modelled by Eagle Day in the bottom right photo). Instead of the now-familiar white running horse logo, the red helmets are simply adorned with the player’s jersey number in white numerals.

The future part of the equation is that the Stamps will be wearing those very same 090626-eday.jpgold-school helmets on July 17 when Calgary entertain the Toronto Argonauts at McMahon Stadium in a feature as part of the Canadian Football League’s retro program.

Like many pieces of football equipment, there’s a breaking-in period needed for helmets so the Stamps will be wearing the retro lids at some practices leading up to the July 17 contest.

The new/old look certainly made Juwan Simpson feel at home — his alma mater, Alabama, wears red helmets with white numbers.

“Oh yeah,” grinned Simpson. “I came in this morning and it put a big smile on my face. All that’s missing is that the red needs to be a few shades darker. I told (Mike) Labinjo I wanted to switch helmets because I was 42 in college, but he wouldn’t have any of that.”

Alabama-haters often mock the numbers-only design of the helmet, but Simpson has no complaints about the simple look.

“I like them,” he said. “I think they’re good. It’s not all about that extra stuff. All that’s on there is your number. That’s all you really need and then you just go out there and play football.”

>> Get your tickets to so see the retro gear in action

TEYO’S BACK: Speaking of nostalgia, albeit of a much more recent nature, there was a familiar face on the field at Friday’s practice.

Fullback/receiver Teyo Johnson, who announced his retirement on the eve of training camp, has decided he still wants to play after all. The White Rock, B.C., native is not on the 46-man roster and the Stamps have some time to contemplate what will happen next.

“Teyo contacted us recently and said he would like to come back and play football,” explained head coach and general manager John Hufnagel. “We now have 10 days to decide what to do with him.”

“This is a top-drawer organization,” said Johnson after Friday’s pratice. “They weclomed me back with open arms and it’s good to be here.”

Johnson is sporting a new look upon his return — he’s wearing jersey No. 2 instead of the 86 he had on his back in 2008.

In other number switch-ups, linebacker Dwaine Carpenter has ditched 29 in favour of No. 7 while rookie receiver Jermaine Jackson has gone from 79 to 89 and linebacker Tristan Black has swapped 95 for 47.