June 21, 2008

INSIDER: And so it begins …

Now that this morning’s cuts have been completed, Stamps headquarters have undergone a major transformation, in terms of focus and priorities.

For weeks, coaches have gone from meeting to the practice field to meeting to practice field to meeting every single day for the main purpose of evaluating players who will make up the 2008 Stamps roster.

We’re just three days removed from that routine but it already seems like ancient history. Players were given today off and coaches have been hunkered down in their offices all afternoon. All is eerily calm, except for the scheming behind closed doors.

The focus has changed from evaluation to preparation, as coaches are game-planning intensely for Thursday’s season opener against the BC Lions.

Players will return to practice on Sunday and Coach Huff is prepared to meet them for the first time — as a true team.

Of all the cuts on Saturday, Huff said the hardest was letting go of Trey Young. Everyone around here realizes how hard Trey works and he’s been a true pro for his entire time in Calgary. He simply was caught up in the ample numbers at linebacker.

He’ll be missed by many on a personal level, as will Terrence Patrick. Both guys were strong in the community and played their tails off for the Stamps. Crance Clemons also deserves a parting salute, as he had a solid 2007 and earned everyone’s respect. Again, he was victim of the natural evolution that occurs on every team.

A new door will hopefully open for those vets and we’re all excited to what awaits the Stamps for 2008

It all begins now …